Senate Opens Debate on Bill to Fund America’s Transportation and Housing Infrastructure
WASHINGTON, D.C. – November 19, 2015 – (RealEstateRama) — U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act:
“Nearly all of those bills passed on a bipartisan basis. That’s why it was so disappointing to see voices on the other side try to tie them up in gridlock. But we never lost sight of the goal. We never stopped trying to move the Senate forward and our country ahead.
And because we kept pushing, we’re steadily overcoming the partisan gridlock of the past and steadily moving back to regular order on appropriations.
“Moving-to-Work is one of the many success stories of the bipartisan Welfare Reform effort of the 1990s, and by expanding it from 39 to 339 housing authorities we can help more Americans achieve the self-sufficiency that’s at the core of our national dream.